Node JS, Yeoman, Gulp, PHP, SASS, Bootstrap 4

Simple base website generator made with the help of Yeoman to kick-start new web projects. It's a simple&flexible base that adapt for a lot of requests. It has been built on top of HTML5 Boilerplate, SASS, Bootstrap 4, jQuery and Gulp. Fully customizable, flexible, a lot of features.

Website generator

screen terminal

I was searching for a solution to avoid some dumb repetitions at the beginning of a website project. Whether I create without a base or retrieve code I had already done before, I was always wasting time. I wanted to have a simple and flexible project base with only the components that I need. I came up with the idea to merge the great possibilities of the css pre-processor SASS and the power of Yeoman to give a helping hand to the start up of projects.

That simple generator position itself between the online wireframe and the multifunctional theme.

capture webpage skltn 1
capture webpage skltn 2
capture webpage skltn 3
capture webpage skltn 4